Birthday Cake

Last year for my birthday I didn’t celebrate it. I had moved into my first condo (first time living alone) in a new state with no friends and no family within 2.5 hours of driving distance. I spent the day (last year on my birthday) locked out of my condo where I had to ask a neighbor I didn’t know to use their phone and place a call the only number I’ve memorized to ask for help. Last year I was so heartbroken that I didn’t see a reason to celebrate myself. Sad, I know!

Birthdays with loved ones and good friends, for me, is an event. It’s a celebratory occasion of life, a moment to recollect on your past year and all the accomplishments you’ve made. Birthdays are special moments. It’s not just another day.

Ignore the glass ceiling and do your work. If you’re focusing on the glass ceiling, focusing on what you don’t have, focusing on the limitations, then you will be limited.
— Ava DuVernay

As I take a moment to think of my last 364 days and see what I’ve walked through, I can only say BUT GOD. Some of the days have been mentally and emotionally challenging. Pushing through meant, I had to be honest with myself which consisted of acknowledging that the atmosphere around me needed to change. I had to break away from certain habits, conversations and people in order to begin to create a sense of purpose. This reclamation process took time and humility. Over the past 5.5 months, I’ve been engulfed with what this process has to offer while embracing both the unknown and the quietness. The quietness is what scared me the most. I took time to clear negative thoughts and replace it with prayer. I took time to commit to the process through fasting. Worship became my comfort. Physical fitness became my therapy. It’s a thrilling journey yet lonely but this journey is worth the fight because I know that I am worthy to be and feel celebrated.

This year, I’m having birthday cake and a very small celebration (party of 1) by the water to write away the lingering sadness of my past 364 days. I’m ready for joy to sparkle in my eyes again and for peace to dance on my heart like nobody is watching. I’m excited for what my next 364 days have to offer as I continue to manifest the life I want to live in a new season.

Happy Birthday to me!


Finding Nemo


GMARO Magazine Spread