
I’m going to tell you a story and in the end you’ll see where the connection comes in.

There isn’t a day that goes by that my sister and I do not pick up the phone to have a conversation with each other. The conversations generally extend from how we are preparing for our day to a venting session to an I love you session and sometimes we really don’t have much to say but we’re still on the phone anyway.

I got a notification from my website host that it’s offering some new upgraded modifications. So I decided to take some time to check out all the new features to see if any of them can work for me. I love writing for my blog. To be honest, for me it’s therapy. Releasing what’s on my mind and on my heart in a creative format is such a huge relief. It allows me to keep moving forward. One of the updates and modifications really struck a chord with me. It was actually something I really wanted to incorporate into my blog but I couldn’t figure out the best way to do it. After doing some research and coming up with an idea for a design concept, I made this extra page, posted it and went to bed somewhere around 11:30 PM. Fast forward to the next day at about 7:55 AM my sister calls and we had our normal good morning conversation. About 15 minutes later I called her back because I needed an opinion. This is how the conversation went.

Me: Hey I need an opinion on some thing that I created yesterday for my blog because I don’t know if it’s tacky.

Sister: OK tell me what it is.

Me: There is a new feature on my website that I created last night and it’s live on my blog. I’m a little concerned that it’s not going to be perceived well and that it’s tacky. I created a donation page with the idea that people may want to give a tip to assist in continuing the blog because I really want to elevate it to the next step.

Sister: Why would you create a donation page instead of offering a subscription?

Me: Eventually I want to be able to create a subscription page for my followers on the blog website but I want to provide them with relevant up-to-date and consistent content for the value that they will be paying. Doing a subscription now will not help to elevate my business in the proper way because life has kicked my ass and I have not been as consistent as I should have been. As of right now I am being monetized on Instagram and my website is being monetized. I’m not being monetized on YouTube yet but now that I am more consistent I am getting new features and new subscribers. The brand deals have slow down a bit because I have not been consistent and I don’t feel as though I’m putting out my best work right now.



