Fueling Your Passion

Living the American Dream is something that everyone wants to obtain. What I’ve come to realize more recently is that the attempt to live the American Dream feels like an upward battle of extreme obstacles that many people are unable to conquer, causing those people to not be able to be even come close to obtaining that level of the American Dream. With the interest rate for mortgages being high, the cost of living is scary, working one job doesn’t seem to be enough to be able to manage the basic household necessities; all while you’re trying to save money for a rainy day or save money just to be able to experience what life has to offer. Everyone is fighting for what they consider to be the American Dream. But I’ve noticed more and more people either have imposter syndrome and are faking the funk or they are seriously struggling trying to just maintain. Everyone’s level of just maintaining is different. But the question that I have is, how do you find a way to build what you consider to be the American Dream?

Just My Thoughts…

Many of us work a regular (somewhat) 9 to 5 job. Lately it’s more like 8 AM to 6:30 PM, then going home and doing some kind of a side hustle in hopes that the side hustle is enough to compensate what you weren’t able to obtain during your main employment. More and more I sit back and I realize I’ve come along way from where I first started four years ago. Even though I am not currently where I see myself in relation to the American Dream, I have still been able to obtain several goals that I had for myself over the past couple of years (though it wasn’t easy). There were some days I really felt like I was a failure. But when I sit down in silence and really take an account back to where I was, I am strides from where I used to be. I understand that a lot of people are working a job they really don’t want to do but for many of us we have a family to maintain. Family is what you make it whether you’re a single person and your household is a family of one or whether you are married and you have a household of five. The question at hand, is your regular 9 to 5 job able to help you create a life for your family? More and more people are working two jobs plus some form of a side hustle just to make ends meet. And that got me thinking.

What if you were able to put the same amount of energy that you put into a job that you really don’t like, into yourself and into your passion? What if you were able to fuel your passion with the same amount of accountability you give to everything else around you that is not fueling your household? Everyone’s passion is different. For some they see themselves in the corporate setting and that is a passion of theirs while others see themselves as an entrepreneur. Whatever your passion is, do that with the same amount of intensity you would do a job that you cannot stand getting up to every day. Look at it this way, your alarm clock rings at 5:30 AM you get yourself and your household dressed. You get to work after fighting traffic to clock in between 7:30 AM and 8 AM. You do the job with a smile on your face even though your heart is frustrated for nine or so hours with no lunch and basically no break. Just to leave to go home while fighting evening the rush hour traffic. Then home to maintain your household even though you’re mentally tired just to go to sleep and do it all over again the next day. Where is the joy in that? How can you build a lifestyle off of that? How can you become a better future version of yourself off of that? Why can’t you give the dedication to that job to that yourself?

Find a way to be disciplined enough to carve out time for your passion and allow that passion to fuel you. Your passion can be a few different things. Where it’s living a healty balanced lifestyle or traveling the worlds best destination locations or even gardening. The passion doesn’t have to be something that yields a financial gain. Yet many people get caught up in their everyday routine, that they don’t find time to put themselves first and create memories to build your own version of the American Dream. By definition, the American Dream is an ideal that every citizen of the United States should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. My question for you is, “ How are you going to Fuel You Passion to obtain a life worth living?”

Fashion is the armour to survive the reality of life.
— Bill Cummingham

Shop The Look

For me, my passion is fashion. I love the art of getting dressed and how you can express every kind of emotion through the colors, silhouettes and fabrications. You can express the joy you feel, evoke sadness and even show love through fashion. It’s an unspoken truth that I absolutely love. I fuel this passion by carving out time to shape the future of what can come from it. Between the blog website, working with fashion/ beauty brands, becoming more comfortable being a black mid-size woman in front of the camera and perfecting my craft as a team of one person.

This outfit really brings out the city girl in me. Being able to experiment within my fashion wheel house and fall in love with the look is my self love language. It’s the quality time behind fueling a passion. For this look, I created a balance by having two oversized items, one fitted item, one pop of color and one pattern. Each item holds its own but together creates a statement. To break up the elements, I opted for a fitted orange high cut bodysuit, low rise oversized tapperred light wash blue jeans, a patterned oversized coat and metallic pumps. For the accessories, I wore an additional pop of color frame in ivory and a slight mustard tint for the glass.

The Outfit Breakdown

Coat: Asos

Bodysuit: Amazon

Jeans: Madewell

Heels: Steve Madden

Sunglasses: Shein

Shop the Look: https://liketk.it/4zhCv




Hey Husband