
I saw a snippet of a video on TikTok about how people have been consistent with doing content creation for a few months. Those same people were getting frustrated because in those few months of time, their consistency hasn’t yielded anything. Yield meaning no brand trips or proper brand deals or anything that signifies or solidifies a position of being a content creator. That got me thinking about my own journey.

So let’s take it back a bit. I am not someone who is new to doing content creation. I don’t consider myself to be an influencer mainly because I don’t want to influence someone to do something they really don’t want to do. I am, however, okay with inspiring someone to think outside the box to enhance something that they are already doing. In my journey of content creation, I have seen slower growth; which I am very much okay with. I would much rather have a slow progression overtime and increase my level of engagement with people who are genuinely interested in what I do. and have to say. I started my journey in fashion in 2013 after working in the legal banking corporate system for almost 8 years. I met some great people in that industry but I really could not stand doing the job. I love being creative and exploring this level of art through visual work. In my last blog post, I talked about how fashion is considered art for me. Fast-forward several years, I have interned in different career choices under the umbrella of the fashion industry and fell in love with a certain aspect that I now consider my full-time job. One of those aspects is content creation.

Officially in 2019, I started my blog. It started out on the Wix platform and it was just for fun. I wanted to document my fashion journey and figured it would be a great way to showcase a visual diary. Little did I know that on pager would grow the way it did. For me it was exhilarating. I had so much fun just writing and exploring different elements of what fashion meant to me. The art of putting a look together, posting it and talking about different ways to elevate the look while maximizing the pieces. Who would have known that from about 2019 to 2022 that my page, my following or even my knowledge would have grown so much. Within the time of about 2019 to 2022 I was extremely consistent. Consistently, I was posting 3 to 4 days per week every week and putting in the work. At that time, I had two photographers, both with a similar shooting voice. One was more artistic while the other had more of a lifestyle editorial background. In early 2022, I was working on adding an editor to my team and had a strong marketing plan for the year. With consistency, I was beginning to generate brand deals and work on campaigns. By June of 2022, I received my first paid brand deal!! Then life happened.

Life happened to the point where I took a two year hiatus from content creation. Although I was posting, I wasn’t posting authentically nor consistently. Because of this inconsistency, I lost followers on Instagram, my TikTok page was very stagnant, I had to redo my entire website, lost subscribers on my email list and my YouTube channel was very dormant. Finally in September 2023, I was able to regain sense of self after a trip to NYC for Fashion Week and moving from Florida to Atlanta. With me regaining who I am and who I want to be while understanding that my worth is enough, I felt more comfortable being back in front of the camera and inspiring other people. It took two years for me to be okay with being me again. Now that I am back to being consistent, it’s almost like starting over.

A Promise and a Vow
I have vowed to myself to continue being authentic in my posting and authentic in my style so that I can continue to inspire other people. Acts of service is my biggest and most prominent love language. For some reason doing content creation, posting to the platforms, engaging with my audience, hearing how they are inspired by a particular post ( whether it’s the caption, the colors or the outfit) gives me fuel to continue going. For me, it’s so much more than just getting a brand campaign. I really enjoy doing the work. In my short time of getting back to being consistent; my engagement has skyrocketed. I’ve been able to solidify a paid brand deal AND I can see slow changes within myself as well as in the content that I’m creating. Now don’t get me wrong, I do want to have more brand campaigns but I am being strategic about the brands that I want to work with. If I’m being honest, it’s more than a paycheck for me. It’s more than brand trip for me. I want to be able to be on the creative board for some of these brands when they’re putting campaigns together. I want to be able to give my advice on marketing strategies. I want to be a top fashion consultant companies who are requesting for my opinion, my advice and utilizing my knowledge to help them grow. Yet in order for that to happen, I have to continue with being consistent. Maybe down the line the ultimate plan ma shift a bit but for now the path is clear and I am manifesting my dream aloud.

Advice Corner
Here’s my little advice for you. Consistency isn’t something that you just do for a few months. You have to be in it for the long-haul. It’s just like wanting to grow that peach aka your butt. You have to make changes and create a routine of being consistent in the gym. One week is not going to give you the results of a bubble butt. You have to ensure that you were eating correctly. That you have proper balance in your life. That you incorporate workouts that target the glutes. That you create a lifestyle around enhancing your physique while being okay with the idea that your bubble butt is not going to be the same as someone else’s but it is still beautiful. Are you willing to continue on the journey to be consistent to yield the results you really want?

Shop the Look

An all black outfit never fails. The trick is creating a balance within the outfit by ensuring you have elements that complaint each other and your physic. The key is to play with different textures especially in a monochromatic look. Here you see faux leather, sheer tulle like material and polyester. Each item stands on its own but together, it tell s story.

Leather/ Moto Jacket Options

Open Toe Shoe Black Options

Mesh Dress & Skirt Options


Not So Basic


Fueling Your Passion